Week 23 – MKMMA – The Law of success is service

There is a wealth of information and knowledge in Week 23’s Haanel.

If I were to start summarising what I garnered from these pages, I would have to write almost the whole thing out again. Suffice to say it is not only a great read, it provides in easy to understand language, the keys to success.  This lesson was worth waiting for!

My Franklin Makeover word for the week was:

I’m enjoying reading the posts from MKMMAers.  Wow there’s been a lot of change going on around the community.  Congratulations to all who have continued on and have made significant progress in their journeys.  Perhaps we’ll meet someday.

I’m imagining what it will be like to do the Master Keys again.

Feeling much gratitude.

Have a great week.

Week 22 – MKMMA – Self Control

My Franklin Makeover for Week 22: Self Control

Selfcontrol, an aspect of inhibitory control, is the ability to control one’s emotions and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses. As an executive function, selfcontrol is a cognitive process that is necessary for regulating one’s behavior in order to achieve goals. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).




Don’t you just love the inspirational information available at the click of a button?  I enjoy times when I am researching a subject and come across writings by people, some people I had never heard of, and they absolutely “hit the mark”. These worldly people seem to have the ability to sum up in a few words the essence of an issue, thought or idea.   I appreciate their abilities.

Today, I will be the master of my emotions.    How will I accomplish this?

By many means, some that we learned only last week. We were challenged to change the way we look at things.

“When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change”.

In week 22, we were gifted with a new little tool box filled with lots of cool tools to use.  With practice and a deeper understanding of these tools, we begin to skillfully craft our way through each day like talented artisans.   Little by little, we feel and see the rewards of having mastered these skills.  How joyous our lives have become.

This week’s Franklin Makeover: Imagination

Have a great week.


Week 21 – MKMMA – Farewell Scroll V

I live this day as if it is my last.

And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping?
I have read these words (????) times during February, and each time I read this chapter, at some point during the read (not always the same point), I am moved or have an ah ha moment.

There are lots of reminders in this scroll about how best to use our time in constructive thought and activity or how lucky or fortunate we are.  I’ve loved it.

I’ve written the following at the top of scroll 6 and will get to read this for another whole month:

I avoid with fury the killers of time
Procrastination I destroy with action  (An area I need to work on)Doubt I bury under faith
Fear I dismember with confidence
Where there are idle mouths I listen not
Where there are idle hands I linger not
Where there are idle bodies I visit not

I always keep my promises.

My week 21 Franklin makeover word for the week was Courage. Nothing specific to relay, just that it was a great week and good things are happening.  I feel that I am becoming a better listener and am more “open to receive”. I’m less rushed, not less busy, just less rushed.  (That’s a very interesting observation I’ve just had of me. Thankyou.)

My week 22 Franklin makeover word  is Self Control.  Rather serendipitous for me that we changed to Scroll 6 this week – Today I will be master of emotions!

Have a great week!

Week 20 – MKMMA – Finish what you start

My notes from Week 20 Webbie.

  • Make sure you finish what you start
  • Your future you is already successful

Trish referred to Lesson 5, so I’ve revisited Lesson 5 and found the following:

12. The thing to do is to have a mental house-cleaning, (the sit?) and to have this house-cleaning every day, and keep the house clean. Mental, moral and physical cleanliness are absolutely indispensable if we are to make progress of any kind.

13. When this mental house-cleaning process has been completed, the material which is left will be suitable for the making of the kind of ideals or mental images which we desire to realize.

I’m sure if I revisited each lesson I could find lots of wonderful messages and reminders and I loved that week 20 so eloquently bought us up to speed and then some.

I love this saying:
A mind that is  stretched by a new experience can never go back to its original dimensions – Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

The things I was uncomfortable with 4 months ago, I now look forward to.  Truth.
Expansion and contraction of the comfort zone is progressive. It gets faster and faster.  Great! I love that I can become faster at accepting ideas, suggestions, people, situations etc outside of my comfort zone (if I invite them in) almost immediately.  This could lead to being a better decision maker – a fearless decision maker perhaps?

Demarcation point; self directed thinkers:
Fear, unworthiness, guilt, hurt feelings and anger – what if they were tools?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Have a great week.

Week 19 – MKMMA – Well Organised

My 6th Franklin Makeover virtue for MKMMA Week 19 –  Well Organised. 

Want to say something to the world? Speak your mind! Click here!
en.nametests.com|By Nola

I enjoy being well organised, and when you’re working for a boss it’s relatively easy to be on top of things. Working from home on the other hand has been a huge change and challenge for me.  I try not to be too hard on myself when I don’t get it quite right.  I’m making little improvements each and every day.

I love how MKMMA has introduced me to different ways of looking at things and has provided me with positive disciplines to incorporate into my schedule.

I form good habits and become their slave.

I have gained a lot over the last 19 weeks and feel that I have grown. Notwithstanding this I have enabled many distractions during the last couple of months, and now I feel I am paying the price.  It’s time to refocus. I will up the ante during the final weeks of MKMMA, revisit the lessons and simply surrender to the process, embracing wholeheartedly the daily and weekly tasks.

I have had times of clarity, brilliance and calmness during MKMMA. I want more, much more of the same, and am prepared to work at it!  Oh yes, and knowledge does not apply itself!  And – We canot give away what we do not have.

In reviewing week 3, I ran across this little beauty:
“Our difficulies are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our TRUE interests”.  This hits a chord.
It’s also time to further develop and redefine my DMP with the help of my hands on guide.

This is what’s been going on in my world, so thanks for taking a look at my ramblings.

I’ll leave you with this from week 19.

Wk 19.17
You may know that thought constantly, eternally is taking form, is forever seeking expression, or you may not, but the fact remains that if your thought is powerful, constructive, and positive, this will be plainly evident in the state of your health, your business and your environment; if your thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry and nervousness, in your finance  as lack and limitation, and in discordant conditions in your environment.

A very powerful paragraph!

Have a great week everyone.

Week 18 – MKMMA – Decisiveness

My Franklin Makeover virtue for MKMMA Week 18 – was Decisiveness. 

In order to grow we must obtain what is necessary for our growth. This is brought about through the law of attraction. This principle is the sole means by which the individual is differentiated from the Universal“.

I googled Individual vs Universal and found on the following website some interesting information.

The world is what you think it is. Every human being develops their own belief system, their own corresponding reality and their own consequential state of consciousness. This means that disagreement with others is the default state for every human being, until they discover how to create agreement.

How interesting that my husband and I are “occassionally” in disagreement.  Perhaps our belief systems, although similar are not totally in sync. How to create agreement.  Hmmmm.

To help the process along, I made a decision last week to book a couple of nights away to Inverloch, a sensational coastal town a couple of hours out of Melbourne, Australia.  It turned out to be a great decision.

Image result for picture of inverloch

Darren Hardy, author, key note speaker and Publisher of Success Magazine in a recent Darren Daily, nailed it.  He goes away to relax, recharge batteries, etc etc, so that he can come back refreshed and ready to go another round with the world.

A couple of days away can sometimes be the best thing you can do for your mental health.

Image result for picture of inverloch

Give it a try. I highly recommend it!

Have a great week.

Week 17 – MKMMA – Taking Initiative

My Franklin Makeover virtue for MKMMA Week 17 was about Taking Initiative.

My home Toastmasters club kicked off the year on Monday evening just gone. I had the privilege of being the the first speaker for 2016 and thought it appropriate to title my speech – Taking Initiative.

Inititative is all bout taking charge and the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
An initiative is the first in a series of actions.
can also mean a personal quality that shows a willingness to get things done and take responsibility.

My speech was for 5-7 mins.  I took up the whole time and spoke for 7: 14.  I told of how I took the initiative to enrol in MKMMA – a 26 week personal adventure.

I also spoke of some of the challenges I have encountered during the past 18 weeks. I finished by saying:
By taking personal inititative, and following a strong desire for further self-development/discovery, through the MKMMA, I have learned much about myself and others“.

I was pleased with the feedback received from my fellow “toasties” following the speech and am highly motivated to further develop my Toastmasters skills.  The Law of Practice!

I am thoroughly enjoying the simple things in life.  Having a heightened sense of awareness is one of them. The Law of Relaxation!

Have a great week.






Reminder to self:

Image result for procrastination

Do it now!! Do it now!! Do it now!!

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving harmonious and happy.  Yeh!

Have a great week.

Week 16 – MKMMA – New Horizons

To the music of “Oh where, Oh where has my little dog gone”.

“Oh where, Oh where has my old routine gone?
Oh Where, Oh where can it be?
With the Old year complete
And the New Year ahead
The old routine must change to suit me.

I can see, yes I see a new daily routine
Will be splendid, oh yes splendid indeed
For I’m on the way with MKMMA
My life full of verve shall be.”

“Nevermore am I satisfied with yesterday’s accomplishments nor do I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge.”

Something new to learn each and every day –  About others and ourselves.
Life can be a challenge – isn’t that fabulous!

Feeling challenged and grateful this past week.

Have  a brilliant week.