Week 19 – MKMMA – Well Organised

My 6th Franklin Makeover virtue for MKMMA Week 19 –  Well Organised. 

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en.nametests.com|By Nola

I enjoy being well organised, and when you’re working for a boss it’s relatively easy to be on top of things. Working from home on the other hand has been a huge change and challenge for me.  I try not to be too hard on myself when I don’t get it quite right.  I’m making little improvements each and every day.

I love how MKMMA has introduced me to different ways of looking at things and has provided me with positive disciplines to incorporate into my schedule.

I form good habits and become their slave.

I have gained a lot over the last 19 weeks and feel that I have grown. Notwithstanding this I have enabled many distractions during the last couple of months, and now I feel I am paying the price.  It’s time to refocus. I will up the ante during the final weeks of MKMMA, revisit the lessons and simply surrender to the process, embracing wholeheartedly the daily and weekly tasks.

I have had times of clarity, brilliance and calmness during MKMMA. I want more, much more of the same, and am prepared to work at it!  Oh yes, and knowledge does not apply itself!  And – We canot give away what we do not have.

In reviewing week 3, I ran across this little beauty:
“Our difficulies are largely due to confused ideas and ignorance of our TRUE interests”.  This hits a chord.
It’s also time to further develop and redefine my DMP with the help of my hands on guide.

This is what’s been going on in my world, so thanks for taking a look at my ramblings.

I’ll leave you with this from week 19.

Wk 19.17
You may know that thought constantly, eternally is taking form, is forever seeking expression, or you may not, but the fact remains that if your thought is powerful, constructive, and positive, this will be plainly evident in the state of your health, your business and your environment; if your thought is weak, critical, destructive and negative generally, it will manifest in your body as fear, worry and nervousness, in your finance  as lack and limitation, and in discordant conditions in your environment.

A very powerful paragraph!

Have a great week everyone.

5 thoughts on “Week 19 – MKMMA – Well Organised

  1. Ken Petersen

    Isn’t it great knowing that even if you slip a bit that you are instantly aware of where you are and what you need to do to get back on track. Keep the commitments and you will not only succeed, but do so in grand style. Loved the blog.


  2. Claes Wallenberg (@MKMMAClaes)

    Great message, Nola! I have no idea why the comment I left days ago does not show up here, probably universe delivering an opportunity for me to refuse being hard on myself for that 😉
    Naturally I don´t remember what I wrote in that comment… Still I love Your writing!

    Mahalo, I appreciate You

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